Friday, August 16, 2013

"20 Things Happy People Never Do" - By Shannon Kaiser

I recently signed up for a news letter from – I was pleasantly surprised by all of the interesting and helpful articles they have each week. Here is my favorite article from this week: "20 Things Happy People Never Do" by Shannon Kaiser Check out the article - Here is a list to sum up Shannon's article: LOVE this list!! 1. They don't ignore strangers. 2. They don't give anything in order to get something in return. 3. They don't distrust themselves. 4. They don't think with their heads, but rather with their hearts. 5. They don't take anything personally. 6. They don't believe their fear is real. 7. They don't refuse to forgive. 8. They don't body bash themselves or others. 9. They don't try to change anyone; they accept everyone for who they are. 10. They don't feel obligated to do things they don't want to. 11. They don't ignore their inner guidance. 12. They don't resist change. 13. They don't stay in a situation that no longer serves them... ever. 14. They don't look outside of themselves to be happy. 15. They don't ignore their dreams and inner desires. 16. They don't think they are broken or that they need to be fixed. 17. They don't judge others. 18. They don't complain. 19. They don't avoid risk 20. They don't blame others and they take full responsibility for their lives. FOr more inspiration check out Shannon's book: "Find Your Happy"

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