Saturday, December 15, 2012

Yoga For Immune Function: 10 Tips to avoid a COLD

10 ways to boost your Immune Function this winter:

Our Yoga Practice naturally stimulates the 3 major parts of the immune system (thymus, spleen, lymph system).  By incorporating a few specific poses on the mat and a few habits off the mat we can look forward to a winter season free of Colds/Flu!

1. DeStress! = a reduction in stress improves thymus function and improves immune response.  Meditation is a big part of this because we can learn to control our nervous system and stay in a state of peace and calm no matter what is going on around us.

2. Thymus Thump= the thymus gland is located behind the sternum (breast bone) - taking the fingers and tapping this area for a few minutes each day will stimulate the thymus to function more effectively

3.  Chest Opening= another way to stimulate the thymus.  Use postures that incorporate opening around the heart and back bending like Camel and Cobra. Chanting the bija mantra for the 4th chakra "yum" will also stimulate the thymus.

4.  Lymph Flow= improved immune function.  Sequences that incorporate twisting, hip opening and inversion will stimulate the lymphatic system and improve lymph flow in the body to move immune cells more effectively. 

5.  Neti Pot= sinus cleanse will clear out bacteria/virus before it is able to colonize our system. Pair this with gargling salt water to cleanse the throat at the first sign of a tickle. 

6.  Breathing exercises: Lion Pose to stimulate the tonsils and neck lymph nodes. Kapalabhati to prevent respiratory infections, Nadi Shodhana breath to prevent sinus infections. 

7.  Cleansing: wash hands (soap & hot water, at least 30 seconds of bubbles) and dont touch your face with your hands during the day.  Stay home when sick.

8.  Yogic Diet: fruits, veggies, low sugar, plenty of WATER (see the list of Immune Boosting Foods)

9.  Herbs & Vitamins: fresh garlic, Echinacea, zinc  (see the list of Immune Boosting Foods)

10. Balance & rest: make sure you are not over scheduled, over worked and lacking sleep as this is a recipe for a run down immune system.

Know the first subtle symptoms of illness and act quickly as soon as you notice them setting in.  This will help to stop an illness in its tracks, or at least to shorten the severity and duration of the illness.

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