Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Yoga Music: Snatam Kaur

I just discovered the Mantra based music of Snatam Kaur on the recomendation of another Yogi. Just lovely. Cant wait to use her music in my class :) Check out her music on YouTUbe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gwrfAHaEBQ

Monday, August 26, 2013

CSA with Jah's Creation - Local Organic Farm

Community Supported Agriculture: South Jersey I drive past several small farms on my way to work each day - so when I heard that one of those farms offered an Organic CSA program I jumped at the chance to have my produce delivered! Our yoga studio organized a group of about 15 participants so the farm could drop off the produce in one stop (instead of individual deliveries). Every Other week we are surprised by the selection of pruduce in the box and at times it has been an education in new types of veggies i've never tried - but that is part of the fun. When there is a mystery veggy in my box i hop on google and figure out what to do with it, or I check Jahs Creation facebook page where they frequently post recipes. It has helped to expand my awareness of pruduce and even improved my cooking skills (a little :p ) Now each day as i drive past the farm I say hi to my future produce and smile because you cant get much more LOCAL than that! www.Jahscreation.com Looking forward to the Winter CSA!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Yoga for your Wrists & Hands - My most popular video:

By Request...Here is my most popular video on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZP8JNQHH4A

Saturday, August 24, 2013

New "MEET UP" group to post upcoming events and outings - Join for FREE :)

I've been using MeetUp.com for a while now to find fun activites in the area - Soo last - feeling inspired- I finally decided to Organize my own Meet up group. I wanted to create a group for young adults (20s/30s) that promotes healthy/active/outdoor/animal friendly activity with like minded people. (It seems like most of the meetups for this age group focus around drinking or eating really unhealthy food - and the healthier activities cater more to an older crowd) SOOO here is my solution... *********South Jersey Holistic Living: Outdoor Fun, Yoga and More (for 20s & 30s) ************ http://www.meetup.com/SJ-Holistic-Living-Outdoor-Fun-Yoga-more-for-20s-30s/ Sign up for www.meetup.com - IT IS FREE- I will post all of my upcoming yoga classes, workshops, outdoor trips, dog friendly activites and healthy social events. There is a really helpful calender that shows all of the upcoming events, location, time and cost (if there is any). Hope to see you at a future MeetUp!

Friday, August 16, 2013

"20 Things Happy People Never Do" - By Shannon Kaiser

I recently signed up for a news letter from MindBodyGreen.com – I was pleasantly surprised by all of the interesting and helpful articles they have each week. Here is my favorite article from this week: "20 Things Happy People Never Do" by Shannon Kaiser http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-10547/20-things-happy-people-never-do.html Check out the article - Here is a list to sum up Shannon's article: LOVE this list!! 1. They don't ignore strangers. 2. They don't give anything in order to get something in return. 3. They don't distrust themselves. 4. They don't think with their heads, but rather with their hearts. 5. They don't take anything personally. 6. They don't believe their fear is real. 7. They don't refuse to forgive. 8. They don't body bash themselves or others. 9. They don't try to change anyone; they accept everyone for who they are. 10. They don't feel obligated to do things they don't want to. 11. They don't ignore their inner guidance. 12. They don't resist change. 13. They don't stay in a situation that no longer serves them... ever. 14. They don't look outside of themselves to be happy. 15. They don't ignore their dreams and inner desires. 16. They don't think they are broken or that they need to be fixed. 17. They don't judge others. 18. They don't complain. 19. They don't avoid risk 20. They don't blame others and they take full responsibility for their lives. FOr more inspiration check out Shannon's book: "Find Your Happy" http://www.playwiththeworld.com/

Tuesday, August 6, 2013