Healthy Bites: "The Snack Food Trap" By Laura Beil, Newsweek
I was making my usual late-afternoon trip to the breakroom in search of something tasty - when a giant doughnut cought my eye. To my disappointment It was only a picture - but it got the point across. I was falling into the Snack Food Trap.
The article brings up the concept of food having a drug-like control over some people. this means considering your relationship to junk food as a type of addiction rather than just being someone who needs to go on a diet. As we begin to change our eating habits it is a recovery process from those addictive foods. New research is showing that our brains have a similar reaction to high sugar/carb/fat foods as it would with addictive drugs. This also explains why many people recovering from drug/alcohol/cigarets will turn to food to fill the void.
One of the biggest pitfalls now (and my addiction) is SUGAR! There is hidden sugar in almost every processed food we eat which adds up to a massive sugar intake and lots of empty calories. In research studies rats were willing to go through mild electric shock to obtain sweet sugary food.
PET scans show that the activation in the brain when eating these addictive foods strongly resembles the brain of a drug addict. It was also found that pregnant rats fed a high fat/sugar/carb diet had offspring that sought out these same foods. Our habits have a lot to do with it - studies found that when we eat high fat/sugar/carb foods we will tend to crave them and seek them out more frequently.
so why do we crave sertain foods?
why is it so hard to resist some foods?
why do some of us have more will power to resist than others?
The verdict is still out as to weather or not we can put our relationship to unhealthy food in the same category as drug addiction, but this is an interesting way to look at it. I can understand the connection- I considered my diet to be pretty healthy until I took a close look at my sugar intake. I was really shocked to see how much sugar was in foods that I eat daily- bread, Tomato sauce, yougurt, salad dressing, cereal. When I started to cut back my sugar intake I could feel myself craving anything with sugar in it. It is going to be much harder than I expected to break my sugar habit. But for starters I will stop looking for doughnuts in the breakroom!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Yoga Discussion: "How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body"
Here is the article "How Yoga Can wrek your Body" that created quite a stir in the yoga world:
It is part of a book: The Science of Yoga: The Risks and Rewards by William Broad
FIRST of all It is clear that the article was written with the intention of creating publicity for this book - and it was successful in that respect, however at the cost of putting out mis-information and fear about hatha yoga. It was a publicity stunt that I find to be disappointing on both the part of the author and the New York Times. Although the author went about this in "shock journalism" sort of way the article does raise a valid point: Yoga is not a perfect, 100% safe form of activity, like ALL things in life it has a certain level of risk that yoga practitioners (especailly new students) should be aware of.
Here is my Major problem with the content of the article:
Hatha Yoga is a form of physical activity and like ALL forms of physical activity you can hurt yourself.(running, gymnastics, tennis, football, bicycling, walking, swimming, skiing...) I have plenty of injuries from when I played soccer and ran track - and yes I have had minor injuries from doing yoga. The difference is that with soccer and track I was pushed to work through my injury, ignore the pain and get back into the competition. With yoga I am encouraged to learn from pain and discomfort, listen to my body and modify my practice. If we approach our Yoga practice with the same mindset as competitive sports then you do risk serious injury - even more than with sports because the nature of Hatha Yoga is to take the body to its limits in both strength and flexability. When we practice yoga postures with our Ego we lose many of the true benefits of our practice because we are no longer practicing YOGA.
Here are some interesting Responses to this article/Book:
It is part of a book: The Science of Yoga: The Risks and Rewards by William Broad
FIRST of all It is clear that the article was written with the intention of creating publicity for this book - and it was successful in that respect, however at the cost of putting out mis-information and fear about hatha yoga. It was a publicity stunt that I find to be disappointing on both the part of the author and the New York Times. Although the author went about this in "shock journalism" sort of way the article does raise a valid point: Yoga is not a perfect, 100% safe form of activity, like ALL things in life it has a certain level of risk that yoga practitioners (especailly new students) should be aware of.
Here is my Major problem with the content of the article:
Hatha Yoga is a form of physical activity and like ALL forms of physical activity you can hurt yourself.(running, gymnastics, tennis, football, bicycling, walking, swimming, skiing...) I have plenty of injuries from when I played soccer and ran track - and yes I have had minor injuries from doing yoga. The difference is that with soccer and track I was pushed to work through my injury, ignore the pain and get back into the competition. With yoga I am encouraged to learn from pain and discomfort, listen to my body and modify my practice. If we approach our Yoga practice with the same mindset as competitive sports then you do risk serious injury - even more than with sports because the nature of Hatha Yoga is to take the body to its limits in both strength and flexability. When we practice yoga postures with our Ego we lose many of the true benefits of our practice because we are no longer practicing YOGA.
Here are some interesting Responses to this article/Book:
Yoga Class Readings: Quotes
The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
– Arabian Proverb
(I try to remember this at work each time someone yells at me...)
When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help.
– Thich Naht Hanh
Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
- Budda
The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
– Arabian Proverb
(I try to remember this at work each time someone yells at me...)
When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help.
– Thich Naht Hanh
Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
- Budda
Morning Mantra: P'Tah Morning Song
Morning Mantra From:
This is my version of P'Tah Morning Song. I like this Morning Mantra because it has a focus on gratitude and being thankful - which is such a great way to start the day.
From the Center of my Being I give forth thanks for the love that I am,
For the love in my life and the love that surrounds me, Thank You.
Thank You for the Miracle of life that I am, and Thank You for the miracle of life I see reflected all around me.
Thank You for the gift of life that I am.
Thank You for this perfect body, my health and well- being Thank You
Thank You for the abundance that I am and Thank You for the abundance that I see reflected all around me.
Thank You for the richness of my life.
Thank you for the excitement and adventure of the millions of wondrous possibilities and wondrous probabilities, Thank You.
Thank You for the Wonderment and Thank You for the joy.
Thank you for the peace and tranquility.
Thank you for the laughter and Thank You for the play.
And Thank You for the privilege of serving and sharing the gift that I am.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
This is my version of P'Tah Morning Song. I like this Morning Mantra because it has a focus on gratitude and being thankful - which is such a great way to start the day.
From the Center of my Being I give forth thanks for the love that I am,
For the love in my life and the love that surrounds me, Thank You.
Thank You for the Miracle of life that I am, and Thank You for the miracle of life I see reflected all around me.
Thank You for the gift of life that I am.
Thank You for this perfect body, my health and well- being Thank You
Thank You for the abundance that I am and Thank You for the abundance that I see reflected all around me.
Thank You for the richness of my life.
Thank you for the excitement and adventure of the millions of wondrous possibilities and wondrous probabilities, Thank You.
Thank You for the Wonderment and Thank You for the joy.
Thank you for the peace and tranquility.
Thank you for the laughter and Thank You for the play.
And Thank You for the privilege of serving and sharing the gift that I am.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Save Some Green: New Urbanism
An Interesting Idea to save the planet: New Urbanism
Plan Communities for functional living, walking distance to all needed places and more open spaces for parks, wild life and conservation.
As I can see from the message boards there is lots of controvercy around this idea & I will have to explore further - But I do like the Idea of planning living areas for better use of the resoruces, fuel and space- as well as encouraging WALKING/BIKING as primary transportation instead of cars.
I would love to ride my bike to and from work each day, but every time I try this I nearly get hit by a car on the narrow, crumbling roads. Our roads are just not setup to be safe for long distance walking/biking to destinations around suburban towns.
Plan Communities for functional living, walking distance to all needed places and more open spaces for parks, wild life and conservation.
As I can see from the message boards there is lots of controvercy around this idea & I will have to explore further - But I do like the Idea of planning living areas for better use of the resoruces, fuel and space- as well as encouraging WALKING/BIKING as primary transportation instead of cars.
I would love to ride my bike to and from work each day, but every time I try this I nearly get hit by a car on the narrow, crumbling roads. Our roads are just not setup to be safe for long distance walking/biking to destinations around suburban towns.
Yoga Sequences: Sun Salutation Collection: Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar
Here is a collection of different versions of the Sun Salutations - collected through my yoga travels. Credit given to sources for each if i knew where they were from.
Here is a collection of different versions of the Sun Salutations - collected through my yoga travels. Credit given to sources for each if i knew where they were from.
Partner Yoga: Thai Yoga Massage
During the Partner Yoga Workshop I did a large portion of Thai Yoga Massage.
Here are my Thai Massage sequences from Seated, Supine and Prone
Here are my Thai Massage sequences from Seated, Supine and Prone
Partner Yoga: Standing Sequence
Here are my Partner Yoga Sequences from the Middle of the workshop:
Standing Spine Flow and Standing Balance sequence with a transition to seated for the cool down.
Standing Spine Flow and Standing Balance sequence with a transition to seated for the cool down.
Partner Yoga Sequence: Seated Warm Up
These are the Lesson Plan Cards I wrote last February for a Valentines Day Partner Yoga Workshop:
Seated Warm Up Part 1: Back to Back, Part 2: Facing Each Other
Seated Warm Up Part 1: Back to Back, Part 2: Facing Each Other
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Proper Posture
Yoga Teacher Handouts & Student Education Forms
Proper Posture
This is from Prevention Magazine. I use this handout with my patients at work as well as my yoga students so that they know what healthy posture looks like and they can start to undo some of those bad habits (rounded shoulders, forward head posture, over extending the lower back...)
Proper Posture
This is from Prevention Magazine. I use this handout with my patients at work as well as my yoga students so that they know what healthy posture looks like and they can start to undo some of those bad habits (rounded shoulders, forward head posture, over extending the lower back...)
Save Some Green: The Dirty Dozen & Why you should buy Organic
Yoga Teacher Handout & Student Education Forms:
This article from Prevention Magazine has great info about exactly what the True Cost of not buying Organic produce is.
I also attached a list of the "Dirty Dozen" - the top 12 most contaminated foods with chemicals & pesticides (the first foods you should consider buying organic) - (This list changes each year as farming practices change)
And the "Clean 15" (the foods that typically do not contain as many pesticides and therefore is is not as critical to buy these organic items - to save a bit on the grocery bill)
I recommend picking one item each month to switch over to organic- this makes for a more gradual change that everyone can get used to.
This article from Prevention Magazine has great info about exactly what the True Cost of not buying Organic produce is.
I also attached a list of the "Dirty Dozen" - the top 12 most contaminated foods with chemicals & pesticides (the first foods you should consider buying organic) - (This list changes each year as farming practices change)
And the "Clean 15" (the foods that typically do not contain as many pesticides and therefore is is not as critical to buy these organic items - to save a bit on the grocery bill)
I recommend picking one item each month to switch over to organic- this makes for a more gradual change that everyone can get used to.
Yoga Sequences: Kneeling Sun Salutations
Yoga Sequences: Kneeling Sun Salutations
This is a sequence that I love to use in my Gentle Yoga Class. It creates a nice flow without building too much heat or making it too challenging to new students.
This sequence is from The Yoga Bible by C. Brown. It is a book that I refer to frequently when I am planning classes.
This is a sequence that I love to use in my Gentle Yoga Class. It creates a nice flow without building too much heat or making it too challenging to new students.
This sequence is from The Yoga Bible by C. Brown. It is a book that I refer to frequently when I am planning classes.
Yoga Sequences: Iyengar Restorative Sequence
Yoga Sequences: Iyengar Restorative Sequence
I am not sure where I came across this handout - if you know the source let me know so i can give credit.
I am not sure where I came across this handout - if you know the source let me know so i can give credit.
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Health Information
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Health Information Form
This is adapted from Kripalu, I plan on making a more useful version of this form with conditions that relate to how the teacher needs to adapt and guide students (ex. carpal tunnel, rotator cuff repair, sciatica...) And leave out things like a detailed description of menstrual symptoms.
This is adapted from Kripalu, I plan on making a more useful version of this form with conditions that relate to how the teacher needs to adapt and guide students (ex. carpal tunnel, rotator cuff repair, sciatica...) And leave out things like a detailed description of menstrual symptoms.
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Sun Salutations / Surya Namaskar
Yoga Teacher Handouts & Student Education Forms
Here are several handouts that I have used when teaching sun salutations / Surya Namaskar
Each handout has the website/source at the bottom.
Here are several handouts that I have used when teaching sun salutations / Surya Namaskar
Each handout has the website/source at the bottom.
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Ashtanga Surya Namaskara
Yoga Sequence Handout
This is another handout that was given to me by a student (sorry I cant give an original source on these)
It is the Ashtanga Style Practice.
This is another handout that was given to me by a student (sorry I cant give an original source on these)
It is the Ashtanga Style Practice.
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Karma Yoga: Ahimsa
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Student Education Forms
Karma Yoga...Do Good
How the Yoga principle of Ahimsa influences the choices we make on a daily basis & the goods we consume.
Karma Yoga...Do Good
How the Yoga principle of Ahimsa influences the choices we make on a daily basis & the goods we consume.
Yoga Teacher Handouts: The Purpose of Yoga
Yoga Teacher Handouts & Student Education Forms
The Purpose Of Yoga
This is my favorite of all the Handouts that I use: It was given to me by a student and I liked it so much that I continue to pass it on to other students. The original text was from
The Purpose Of Yoga
This is my favorite of all the Handouts that I use: It was given to me by a student and I liked it so much that I continue to pass it on to other students. The original text was from
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Welcome Letter
Yoga Teacher Handouts & Student Education Forms:
Welcome Letter:
This is another Form I adapted from Kripalu and use as part of the Packet I give new Yoga Students. This is the cover page to the packet.
Welcome Letter:
This is another Form I adapted from Kripalu and use as part of the Packet I give new Yoga Students. This is the cover page to the packet.
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Liability Release & Disclosure Form
Yoga Teacher Handouts & Student Education Forms:
This is a basic Liability Release/ Disclosure form. I believe I adapted this from a form on the Kripalu Website.
This is a basic Liability Release/ Disclosure form. I believe I adapted this from a form on the Kripalu Website.
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Yoga Basics: How to get the Most Out of Class
This is another handout I use with new students so that they can better understand what yoga is all about and how they can get the most out of their practice.
Yoga Teacher Handouts: Yoga Supplies
This is a Handout I use with my new students so they have some background information on the props that may help to enhance their practice.

Saturday, November 3, 2012
My Trip West: Part 6: Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park is a yoga destination. Each year thousands of yogis gather in this area for a week long yoga convention. The warm dry desert air, unusual trees and graceful rock piles create the perfect location for a yoga gathering. The energy surrounding Joshua Tree is that of playfulness and creativity. The perfect area to expand your practice.
We drove into Joshua Tree from Pheonix and arrived as the sun was setting. We were met with the most amazing night sky of our entire 2 week trip (and our entire life). The moon was bright enough that we could walk around without the need for artificial light, yet the sky was dark enough to see the milkyway stretch across the sky. I laid on top of the picnic table at our campsite, looking around at the outline of amazing rock piles and spikey trees illuminated by moonlight. I marvled at the most amazing stary sky I had ever seen. I did not want to go to sleep that night - but I needed my rest to play among the Joshua Trees for our last day on the west coast.
We drove into Joshua Tree from Pheonix and arrived as the sun was setting. We were met with the most amazing night sky of our entire 2 week trip (and our entire life). The moon was bright enough that we could walk around without the need for artificial light, yet the sky was dark enough to see the milkyway stretch across the sky. I laid on top of the picnic table at our campsite, looking around at the outline of amazing rock piles and spikey trees illuminated by moonlight. I marvled at the most amazing stary sky I had ever seen. I did not want to go to sleep that night - but I needed my rest to play among the Joshua Trees for our last day on the west coast.
My Trip West: Part 5: The Grand Canyon
My favorite practice of the trip was on the evening we arrived at the Grand Canyon. After setting up camp I pulled out my sleeping pad (my substitute yoga mat for the trip) and began to work out some of the tension that had accumulated in my hips and hamstrings from the long car rides. After I finished my practice we headed over to the closest overlook for our first view of the Grand Canyon. It was just before sunset so we settled in and watched the light change as the sun slid behind the Canyon walls.
My Trip West: Part 4: Death Valley National Park
Our trip through Death Valley was short. We drove through on our way from Yosemite to Las Vegas. Looking back on the trip It was a day of amazing transition. We woke up on our last morning in Yosemite wearing hats gloves and several layers under our fleece jackets. It was a chilly 42 degrees F. As we left the dense forests and crystal clear lakes of eastern Yosemite the landscape began to change dramaticly as we descended elevation. The landscape had less and less vegitation and the temperature began to climb steadily as we drove south along the border of California and Nevada. By the time we arrived at the entrance to Death Valley the temperature was well into the 90's. As we drove farther and farther into the park, toward Badwater, the temperature continued to climb until it was a scorching 113 degrees. The landscape was completely flat and desolate, several hundred feet below Sea Level. We stopped to snap a picture but quickly continued on to Las Vegas. We ended the day walking under the bright lights of the busy Vagas Strip.
In One day we went from a remote campsite in the dense forests of the Sierra Mountains, to the flat desolate heat of death valley, and finally to the busy city of Las Vegas. An amazing day of contrasts and transitions.
In One day we went from a remote campsite in the dense forests of the Sierra Mountains, to the flat desolate heat of death valley, and finally to the busy city of Las Vegas. An amazing day of contrasts and transitions.
My trip West: Part 3: Yosemite National Park
On my 2 week trip West we spent the most time in Yosemite National Park, however I did not take any "Yoga Pics" there. I found myself in more of an introspective state during my time in Yosemite. I spent my time sitting at overlooks trying to soak in the beauty and magnitude of my surroundings.
My Trip West: Part 2: Sequoia National Park
The second stop on my trip west was my favorite spot for yoga pics. I loved the giant sequoia trees & couldn’t get enough time around them. The fire scars were amazing, especially because these trees were able to continue growing after such trauma. Of all the beautiful, awe inspiring places I visited on my 2 week tour of the west, my time spent in the presence of the Sequoias was the most magical. The energy surrounding these 2,500 year old trees was unlike anything I have felt before and it is beyond explanation. It has to be felt in person.
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